Virtual Stock Market Simulations and Financial Literacy Games for Students and Adults

  • Customizable stock and investing games
  • Interactive budgeting and money games
  • Embedded financial literacy lessons
  • College, K12 and corporate solutions

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1M+ users annually
1,000+ universities
20,000+ high schools
50+ global exchanges
10M+ users strong and growing
100+ corporate clients
40+ currencies
Trade stocks, bonds, options and futures
Multilingual Capabilities

Our Stock Market Trading Games, Financial Literacy Simulations and Curriculum

Our comprehensive stock market simulations and financial literacy games offer interactive experiences that teach essential concepts of investing and managing finances. These tools help both students and professionals get hands-on with virtual trading and develop practical skills for real-world applications.

Interactive budgeting game interface from StockTrak, showcasing financial planning tools

Budgeting & Credit Games

Our engaging and realistic budgeting games teach basic financial literacy and are used in K-12 and college classes, as well in corporate and employee education programs.

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Dynamic virtual stock trading platform screenshot, featuring diverse investment options

Virtual Stock Market Trading

Our virtual trading applications are realistic, multilingual, and can feature stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, Cryptos and forex from over 50 global exchanges.

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Educational curriculum display with assessments on financial topics, provided by StockTrak5

Curriculum & Assessments

Our library has over 500 short, concise lessons contributed by teachers and professors. Major categories include Personal Finance, Economics, Investing, Entrepreneurship and more!

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Certifications available through StockTrak’s financial education programs


When users successfully complete our games and curriculum, they earn certificates they can share on their resumes and on social media.

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Stock-Trak is the Gold Standard
in financial education for over 30 years.

College, High School, and Corporate Clients We Serve

Stock-Trak has built partnerships with universities, high schools, and corporate clients to help integrate virtual trading simulations and financial literacy into education systems worldwide. Our platform enhances learning and provides practical experience to students and employees alike.

Collage of university logos representing educational partners of StockTrak

Colleges and Universities

Join the 1,000+ universities partnering with Stock-Trak to enhance the student experience.

Give your students confidence in their future finance careers by teaching real-life skills. Whether they become corporate analysts, financial advisors, portfolio managers or investment analysts, the Stock-Trak virtual trading platform will help get your students real-world ready.

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Classroom setting with students engaged in StockTrak’s K-12 financial literacy programs

K-12 Schools, CTE Programs and Districts

Our budget/credit game, stock simulations and standards-aligned curriculum is used by over 20,000 schools and 500,000 students each year.

Our site is our state-of-the-art financial literacy resource that is used by many of the CTE programs, magnet schools, Business Academies and top high schools. This site features our customizable budget and credit game, our stock market game, and our full curriculum library.

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Array of corporate logos indicating professional clients and partners of StockTrak

Corporate Clients

Over 100 corporate clients trust Stock-Trak for their employee education and customer acquisition programs.

Our virtual trading and budgeting applications are easily customized for our corporate clients to assist in employee education, customer acquisition, customer retention and brand building. In addition, many of our corporate clients also sponsor financial literacy programs for their local communities.

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Individual investor using StockTrak’s online resources to study stock market trends

Individual Investors

Millions of individuals have used our free online courses and stock market games to help themselves get started investing on the right track.

Whether you are 18 or 80, our site is designed to give you the education and the virtual trading experience to help you get started investing successfully. In addition to its concise courses and virtual trading, this site also features many reviews of the top stock brokerages, the top stock newsletters, and other valuable financial information.

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One of my students in this Summer Session stated that the Stock-Trak assignment was the greatest assignment that he ever had in any course. My own comment is that Stock-Trak is the most awesome teaching tool.